Episode 34

Published on:

5th Dec 2022

Interview with Meredith Gramlich of TerpsEXCEED; University of Maryland

Today I’ll be speaking with Meredith Gramlich.  Meredith is a Senior Faculty Specialist at the Center for Transition and Career Innovation at University of Maryland, College Park. With over 25 years of experience improving post-school outcomes and community engagement for individuals with disabilities, she currently serves as the Coordinator for the University of Maryland’s flagship inclusive higher education program for students with intellectual disabilities, TerpsEXCEED, which stands for: Experiencing College for Education and Employment Discovery 

Ms. Gramlich has extensive experience promoting business-education partnerships, work-based learning opportunities, customized employment solutions, and model transition services. She has over 25 years of experience with systems change demonstration projects focused on improving post-school outcomes and community engagement for individuals with disabilities through use of evidence-based practices, with an emphasis on competitive integrated employment, career pathways, work-based learning, financial empowerment, and performance management. She has provided lead technical assistance and training for model demonstration projects including Way2Work Maryland, Maryland PROMISE, Maryland Customized Employment Partnership, the Maryland Transition Initiative, and Bridges... from School to Work. She taught in Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools’ Alternative Programs, where she established the Career Program. Ms. Gramlich began her career promoting creative strategies for independence with her sister.

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About the Podcast

Special Ed Rising; No Parent Left Behind
A Podcast for Parents, Caregivers and Professionals
This former Special Ed classroom teacher is on his own with a microphone, to share some of the magic he's learned in his 36+ years in the field.
Stories, strategies, and a true grasp for what life can be like for parents and caregivers of Disabled children are waiting here!
Witnessing, first hand, your challenges in the home has invigorated my desire to share what I know and to be a cheerleader for your lives and the lives of your child using mindfulness as a fulcrum to success.
You are not alone and your life matters. Join me as we let go and grow together!
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Mark Ingrassia